There are 19 nursing homes serving Claremont, New Hampshire. This includes 2 in Claremont and 17 nearby. The mean cost per day for nursing home care in New Hampshire is around $291, with costs ranging between $210 and $394 daily. On a monthly basis, this equates to a mean expense of $8,730, with costs ranging from around $6,300 up to $11,820. The mean yearly cost is $106,215, which is greater than the US average of $77,380.
Claremont is a small city in Sullivan County, New Hampshire. Though the surrounding metro area includes 414,257 inhabitants, there are 14,103 living in the city itself. 29% of the population are 55 and over.
The SeniorScore™ for Claremont is 67. The city has a mean per capita income of $22,000 and a mean household income is $40,000 (the New Hampshire state average is $65,000). The current unemployment rate is around 8.38% and the average housing price is $216,000, which is much lower than the New Hampshire average of $358,500.
Claremont has very harsh average temperatures, with severely cold winters and mildly warm summers. The area gets high levels of rain each year. Claremont has moderate air quality and a moderate crime rate in comparison to similarly-sized cities.