Assisted Living in Bethalto, Illinois
There are 20 assisted living facilities near Bethalto, Illinois. Assisted living costs in Illinois range from about $35 up to $217 daily, with a median cost running about $127. The monthly expense averages about $3,805 and ranges between $1,048 and $6,500. On an annual basis, the median cost is about $45,654, which is higher than the national average of $42,000.
Assisted living costs in Bethalto can range from $1,829 per month up to $8,500 per month, with an average cost of approximately $3,670 per month. That equates to a yearly cost of around $44,040.
SeniorScore™ for Bethalto, Illinois
The SeniorScore™ is calculated based on over 100 variables, some of which are shown below. The final score is curved based on a linear curving method. For More info visit
- Bethalto scores higher than the Illinois average of 74.
- Bethalto scores significantly higher than the national average of 72.
- There is a high number of Medicare registered physicians within the city limits.
- There are 4 hospitals within close range of the city, including Alton Memorial Hospital, Saint Anthony's Health Center, and Alton Mental Health Center.
- There are 47 senior living facilities in close proximity to the city, including Bethalto Care Center, Vip Manor, and Alton Rehab and Nursing Center.
- There is a high number of home healthcare providers operating in the city.
- There is a very high number of fire stations serving the city.
- The average life expectancy is 79.0, compared to the national average of 78.6.
- There are 141 pharmacies within close range of the city.
- The area has a very low property crime rate.
- The area has an average violent crime rate.
- The city has an average percentage of seniors in the population (28% of residents).
- There are 66 golf courses in or around the city, including Cloverleaf Golf Course, Alton Municipal Golf Course, and Rock Spring Golf Course.
- There are 14 parks near the city center, including Roxana Community Park, Rock Springs Park, and Fox Creek Golf Course.
- There are 93 churches in or near the city, including Concordia Lutheran Church, First Southern Baptist Church, and First Baptist Church-Bethalto.
- There are 11 malls / shopping centers within close range of the city.
- There are 54 grocery stores within the city.
- There are 4 movie theatres in or near the city.
- There are 31 gyms or health clubs in or near the city.
- The property taxes average 3.46% of total income, which is significantly higher than the national average of 2.79%.
- The property taxes average 1.75% of property value, which is significantly lower than the national average of 1.09%.
- The city sales taxes averages 8.63%, which is significantly higher than the national average of 6.97%.
- Illinois has an average state income tax of 3.59%, compared to the national average of 3.38%.
- The city's mean household income is $67,458, which is higher than the national average of $64,580.
- The city's median household income is $57,823, which is significantly higher than the national median of $51,560.
- The city's per capita income is $26,847, which is higher than the national average of $25,611.
- Assisted living costs average $38,844 per year, which are low compared to national figures.
- Nursing home costs average $63,875 per year, which are very low compared to national costs.
- Adult daycare costs average $16,640 per year, which are average compared to national numbers.
- Home healthcare costs average $43,472 annually, which are low compared to national costs.
- The unemployment rate is about 7.11%, which is average compared to national averages.
- The overall cost of living is very low compared to national averages.
- 0% of the senior population are financially responsible for at least one grandchild.
- Bethalto receives average levels of rainfall each year.
- Bethalto has average mean temperatures, with comfortable winters and pleasant summers.
- This city has very poor air quality.
- This city has very good water quality.
- Bethalto has an average population density of 506.1 people per square mile.
- Residents of Bethalto have an average daily commute time.
- Bethalto has a very high public school quality ranking.
- The city has a low public school safety rating.
- This city has a high graduation rate of 90.77%.
Bethalto is a small city in Madison County, Illinois. It is part of the St. Louis metro area. The encompassing metropolitan area includes 565,619 residents, but there are 11,186 living within the city limits. The senior community represents approximately 28% of the total population.
The SeniorScore™ for Bethalto is 81. The city has a mean per capita income of $27,000. The mean household income is $58,000 vs the average of $54,000 for the state of Illinois. The current unemployment rate is roughly 7.11% and the mean home price is $207,000, which is relatively higher than the state average of $187,500.
Bethalto has moderate average temperatures, with comfortable winters and calm summers. The city gets average amounts of rain each year. Bethalto has exceptional water quality ratings, very low air quality ratings, and a moderate rate of crime compared to other cities in the United States.
More About Bethalto, Illinois Top Assisted Living Facilities in Bethalto, Illinois
Madison Terrace is located at 95 N Main St in Wood River, Illinois. It is a 4 unit senior care facility. With around 12,000 residents in the zip code of 62095, the neighboring area has a medium-density population. ...
4 miles away from Bethalto, IL
Located at 1414 Milton Rd in Alton, Illinois, Burt Shelter Care Home is a 29 room residential care facility. The surrounding area has a dense population, with around 34,000 individuals living in the zip code of 62002. It ...
5 miles away from Bethalto, IL
Located at 915 E 5th St in Alton, Illinois, St. Clare's Villa is a 64 bed senior care community for residents 65 and over. The community is in a mostly middle class area, with a median per-family income of ...
7 miles away from Bethalto, IL
Located at 5410 Epworth Ct, The United Methodist Village is a senior housing facility in Godfrey, Illinois. With an average per-household income of $54,205, the community is in a generally middle income area. It has an average population ...
8 miles away from Bethalto, IL
Stillwater Senior Living is a senior housing community located at 1111 University Dr in Edwardsville, Illinois. The neighboring area is densely populated, with roughly 35,000 individuals living in the zip code of 62025. It is a predominantly middle ...
8 miles away from Bethalto, IL
Located at 7108 Marine Rd, Cedarhurst of Edwardsville is a senior care community serving Edwardsville, Illinois. The encompassing area is heavily populated, with approximately 35,000 individuals living in the 62025 zip code. With an average per-household income of ...
9 miles away from Bethalto, IL
United Methodist Village is a senior housing facility located at 5201 Asbury Ave Ofc in Godfrey, Illinois. With an average per-family income of $54,205, the community is in a predominantly middle income area. It has an average population ...
9 miles away from Bethalto, IL
Edwardsville Nursing and Rehabilitation is located at 401 St Mary Dr in Edwardsville, Illinois. It is a 120 room nursing home facility. The facility is in a primarily middle income area, with an average per-family income of $64,370. ...
9 miles away from Bethalto, IL
Located at 27 Auerbach Pl in Glen Carbon, Illinois, Meridian Village is a 70 room senior community. The surrounding area has a medium-density population, with roughly 15,000 individuals residing in the 62034 zip code. It is a largely ...
9 miles away from Bethalto, IL
Located at 1373 D'adrian Professional Park, Morningside of Godfrey is a senior housing facility in Godfrey, Illinois. The facility is in a mostly middle class area, with a median per-household income of $54,205. It has an average population ...
9 miles away from Bethalto, IL
Located at 1373 Dadrian Professional Park, Provision Living at Godfrey is a senior care community serving Godfrey, Illinois. With a median household income of $54,205, the community is in a predominantly middle class area. It has an average ...
9 miles away from Bethalto, IL
Located at 1000 Airport Rd, The Fountains at Godfrey is a senior care community serving Godfrey, Illinois. The encompassing area has a medium-density population, with about 17,000 residents in the zip code of 62035. It is a largely ...
10 miles away from Bethalto, IL
Eden Village Care Center is a 128 unit senior community located in Glen Carbon, Illinois. With an average per-family income of $75,493, the community is in a generally upper class area. It has an average population density, with ...
10 miles away from Bethalto, IL
Located at 512 S Franklin St, South Lawn Sheltered Care is a senior care facility serving Bunker Hill, Illinois. The encompassing area has a sparse population, with roughly 5,000 poeple living in the zip code of 62014. With ...
11 miles away from Bethalto, IL
Robings Manor Rehabilitation and Health Care is a 75 room skilled nursing facility. It is located at 502 North Main in Brighton, Illinois. The facility is in a generally middle class area, with an average per-family income of ...
11 miles away from Bethalto, IL
The Valley StoneBridge Senior Living Community is a 120 unit senior community located in Florissant, Missouri. The facility is in a primarily middle income area, with an average per-family income of $67,583. It has an average population density, ...
12 miles away from Bethalto, IL
Midwest Foot and Ankle Care is a senior care community located at 12444 Lusher Rd in St Louis, Missouri. The encompassing area is heavily populated, with around 21,000 poeple living in the 63138 zip code. With an average ...
12 miles away from Bethalto, IL
Located at 3432 Village Ln, Fountain View Manor is a senior housing community in Granite City, Illinois. The encompassing area is heavily populated, with approximately 45,000 poeple living in the zip code of 62040. With an average family ...
12 miles away from Bethalto, IL
Located at 3450 Village Ln, The Fountains at Granite City is a senior care community serving Granite City, Illinois. The surrounding area is heavily populated, with around 45,000 people residing in the zip code of 62040. It is ...
12 miles away from Bethalto, IL
Cambridge House of Maryville is a senior care community located at 6960 State Route 162 in Maryville, Illinois. The surrounding area has an average population density, with approximately 9,000 people residing in the zip code of 62062. With ...
12 miles away from Bethalto, IL